About us
Czech company Vzduchotechnik is a traditional engineering manufacturer specializing in the production of air-handling systems. Since the 1950s to the present, it has been manufacturing and supplying air-filter-ventilation systems for underground shelters and bunkers. The company has its own research and development and benefits from its know- how regarding elements and systems for air extraction and filtration used for civilian applications. Our security solutions can be found both in shelters for civil defense and
bunkers and shelters used by military forces, as well as in defense systems designed for private clients. We are holders of quality management system ISO 9001:2016 and ISO 3834- 2:2006, at the same time our products contain components that comply with NATO standards. We are also member of the Association of Defense and Security Industry of the Czech Republic.

Based on your demand, we are able, in cooperation with our partners, to realize and completely equip your underground bunker or shelter anywhere in Europe. We are a founding member of the group of professionals from this area called Security Bunkers Alliance.

What security situation do you need to address?
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